I'm Sophie Ouwerx

I help people who want to find a balance
between their private and professional lives, who want to pursue a career without giving up a harmonious private life.

Defining yourself on one page - a real challenge!
Getting to know yourself is the work of a lifetime!

So, in a few words, I’ll tell you that I’ve always been passionate about people, even if it only became apparent to me a few years ago.


Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve cared more about the people with whom I share an activity, than about the activity itself.

I’m also extremely curious, and all subjects, especially those relating to people, tickle my insatiable curiosity. When I become a coach, I don’t worry because there will always be plenty to learn.


In the way I coach, I’m quite enveloping, some would say almost maternal.  I like to listen to those who come to me, to welcome them with kindness.  Coaching sometimes involves confronting the client.  For my part, I consider it fundamental to confront the problem and not the person. And certainly with gentleness.


I’ve also learned to let my intuition flow.  Despite a 30-year corporate career in numbers (a very Cartesian field!), I’ve learned to listen to my intuition.  The intuitive world is full of joy and beauty, and we need it so much!


A sharp eye for each individual’s potential.  Through energy reading and the practice of skills assessment, I have developed the ability to see the potentials of the people who consult me, but also and above all to enable them to make them their own, to be deeply convinced that they really are the people who have these talents.


It’s not for nothing that I’m called Sophie, because I’m a bit of a philosopher too! And what drives me through coaching is a desire to get back to basics and rediscover simplicity.


When I practice 360°, another characteristic that comes up regularly is my ability to bring clarity to the sometimes so complicated life situations my coachees encounter.

Why call on me?

Basically, I am very Cartesian: master in business administration and 30 years of professional life in a company in the financial field!  Then life trials led me to fundamentally question myself.  And here I am, reorienting myself towards coaching.  Where step by step, I opened up to the energetic dimension.  So today I am able to support you in both left brain and right brain aspects!


In my professional journey, I have encountered magnificent personalities but also darker ones, I have had great joys and also encountered great challenges.  And challenge also means the ability to bounce back and show creativity.  In short, a rich life path that I put at the service of my coaches. And I share it more and more willingly because many of my clients tell me that I am even more impactful when I allow myself to talk about my personal journey.


I worked in business for 30 years, but I haven’t given up spending time with my daughters.  So I fully assumed my role as a mother. The search for a balance between professional and family life has always been a sort of common thread for me.  It is therefore very coherent for me to offer you today coaching focused on this type of balance.  Each of us needs to contribute to the world in our professional life, needs to fully deploy our talents and skills with joy and commitment.  But this must not be done to the detriment of private life, whether in the areas of love, family, or friendship.

Someone once said of me that “I had a career of variable geometry” (in the sense that I’ve often adjusted my working hours to my family life).  So I could combine my personal goals with my professional goals.  And I fully embrace this definition!